

Welcome to the beginning of your total wellness reboot! Together we’re going to amplify your mental, emotional and physical well-being. We will address the root causes that negatively affect your health and help you fully embrace the true meaning of wellness. As the local experts on natural health wellness Appleton, WI relies on, you can trust our expert team to help you.

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A person is sitting at a desk with a laptop.

Keep your body and mind healthy with superior Bio-Energetic Screening services at Amplify Health & Wellness.

Bio-Energetic Screening

A chair and ottoman are in a living room next to a window.

Amplify natural energy, reduce pain, improve recovery, and enhance your sleep with our cutting-edge PEMF Therapy.

PEMF Therapy

A woman is sitting in a chair with her feet in a wooden bucket.

Get rid of bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast, fungus and parasites from your body with our rife therapy solutions.

Rife Therapy

A woman wearing headphones is listening to music with her eyes closed.

At Amplify Health & Wellness, we provide sound therapy for both humans and pets.

Sound Therapy


With a holistic approach, you get more.

A woman is smiling on the cover of a book titled reboot and renew.

Grab your FREE Digital Copy of my brand new eGuide

Reboot and Renew


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What does being healthy mean to you? When one area of your life is out of balance, it can have a domino effect on other aspects like health, finances, career, relationships, emotions, and creativity. All must cohesively work together. Wellness is a gift you give yourself. When YOU decide to give this gift to yourself, you commit to taking steps to improve your life. I don’t promise it will be overnight or even easy because everything worthwhile in life requires effort, but I can speak from personal experience that it will be worth every minute and last a lifetime.

Are you ready to invest in yourself? Are you motivated to give yourself the gift of wellness?

Allow me to introduce you to a new way to achieve the health and wellness that you desire. We incorporate a holistic approach to help amplify your vitality!

With our holistic approach, you get more.

A family is laying in a pile of leaves.


You will get:

  • Tangible tools and techniques to pursue and balance mental and emotional wellness
  • A new understanding of what really makes you organically YOU
  • Access to like-minded individuals who are also on their wellness journey


You will get:

  • We help guide and support you in finding the perfect work-life balance
  • Help to work toward your goals
  • Assistance improving your relationships with yourself 
  • Guidance in bettering your relationships with friends and family


You will get:

  • A program for natural health wellness in Appleton, WI
  • A complete recalibration of your mind, body, spirit, relationships, and career
  • A self-guided program to help you address all areas of your life, including mental, emotional, and physical well-being
  • Help to write new chapters in your story and move on to new chapters more easily
  • The tools to make these changes when you're ready


You will get:

  • More than just a weight loss program
  • A health program that supports your whole body with a tailored approach to supporting what your specific needs are
  • Support for weight management
  • Wellness program support to boost your immune system
  • Tailored guidance to bring your digestive health into balance


A woman is sitting at a table talking to another woman on a laptop computer.

Wellness Facilitation

Get Personalized 1:1 Coaching help to magnify and transform your life and embrace true wellness.

A woman is sitting at a table with a laptop and talking on a cell phone.

Free Discovery Call

Schedule your free 30-minute session with me to chat about your health and wellness. Find out if we are a good fit to work together. I'd love to meet you! 

A bowl of kale and rice salad with a fork on a table.

Online Programs

For those who prefer to work at their own pace, get the resources and tools you need to pivot your health and begin your wellness journey.



A book titled reboot & renew begin your life makeover with 5 simple steps

Make the right choices for your life without feeling overwhelmed. 

Are you feeling stuck? It’s time to change up your story! 

The “REBOOT & RENEW - Begin Your Life Makeover with 5-Simple Steps” freebie will help you to start thinking about small changes that you can incorporate to set yourself up to make more drastic changes. 

Sign up below and grab your FREE digital copy of my brand new E-guide: “REBOOT & RENEW - Begin Your Life Makeover with 5-Simple Steps."


Hello Gorgeous!

Hi! I'm so glad you found my website! I'm Tracy Abraham, President of Amplify Health & Wellness. I am your "Go-to Wellness Professional" for identifying underlying root causes of illness. I offer a particular modality called Bio-Energetic Screening, and I work with men and women, like you, who want to stop guessing at what is best for their bodies and want to regain their vitality so they can be the rock stars they were born to be!

As a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, I am passionate about providing alternative approaches to health and wellness. I am dedicated to helping my clients reclaim their health in the most efficient and transformative way possible.

My programs are specifically tailored to the needs of each person I meet to ensure they receive the approach that works best for them.

If you’re ready to experience the transformation that comes from addressing your body’s root causes of imbalance, then you’re in the right place! I am here to help! Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call where we can discuss your current obstacles and health goals, and create a plan that will bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be... which is ultimately a healthy, balanced body!



A woman is sitting on a couch with her head in her hands.
23 Aug, 2022
Adrenal glands can malfunction and lead to what is known as adrenal fatigue. Here are some important aspects you need to know about adrenal fatigue.
A woman is wrapped in a yellow scarf on the beach.
07 Jul, 2022
95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is manufactured in your digestive system. 80% of your immune system is manufactured in your digestive system. We are focusing on strengthening this part of your body, the gateway to your health. You will boost your immune system, lose weight with ease, feel less bloated, uncover hidden food allergies, and, most of all, digest with ease, which means looking and feeling fabulous! Slow Down We are always rushing. Rushing to eat, to squeeze in an errand, meet a deadline, get to an appointment-rushing. So, lets slow down. Let’s start with our eating. Stop, and sit down and enjoy. Your body needs you to be calm to digest. If you are nervous, your digestive system is in "fight or flight" mode. It cannot work properly when it’s stressed. Digestion is about transforming your food into fuel. When we get stressed, tired, or even nervous, our digestion does not function properly, and certainly not optimally. It is important to slow down so you can have more energy, or fuel, and to avoid indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, and gas. Before you eat, try, and remember to take a deep breath. Be grateful for the food you are about to eat and check in with your own body. Try and focus on being present in the moment and have awareness. Don't shove the food in your mouth as you are running out the door or eat while standing at the counter as we have all done, myself included more times than I care to remember. Be mindful. Take the time to pause when life gets busy. You will be amazed at the immediate improvement you will see and feel. Try this amazing exercise I learned to develop your awareness and start to slow down. Sit in a relaxed, comfortable position. Breathe through your nose and notice how the air is slightly cooler going in and slightly warmer going out. Place one hand over our heart and one hand over your belly. Feel your heart beating and thank your heart for being there for you all day every day, pumping your blood and keeping you alive. Feel your belly, noticing the rise on the inhale and the fall on the exhale. Thank your belly for digesting all the food you eat. Sit silently with your eyes closed and allow yourself to be with yourself. When you feel ready, take a deep inhale and exhale, open your eyes, rise, and move back into your day. Chew Chew Chew Digestion begins in your mouth. Remember when you were little, and your mother would tell you slow down and chew your food so that you would not choke? That always annoyed me as a child, but she was making a great point. When you do not chew your food, it sets the stage for poor digestion. Poor digestion opens the door to let in the unwanted: weight gain, acne, poor sleep, hormonal issues, adrenal fatigue, constipation, acne, IBS, low sex drive, mood swings, and food allergies, to name a few. Serious health issues are not far behind. Most importantly when you do not digest properly your body cannot transform your food into energy. I hear this from my new clients all the time. I WANT ENERGY!!!! If you want more energy, then chew your food properly. I suggest 30 chews per bite. Check Out! Yes, you heard me. Put down the phone, blackberry, and iPad. Turn off the TV, sit down, and just enjoy the activity of eating. Give yourself some quiet time so you can de-stress and digest! I know life gets busy. Why? It is so simple: when the body is stressed, it cannot digest, properly function, or effectively transform food into energy, or perform all its other jobs and metabolic processes. Start by taking just one minute out of your day to breathe and think of anything that makes you happy. Get Cultured Start adding a good, quality probiotic to your daily routine. Incorporating cultured foods and drinks to your life, such as yogurt, miso, dairy or non-dairy kefir, kefir water, kombucha, cultured vegetables, and other cultured foods is a great way to improve digestion and overall health. These foods have been around for centuries. By adding these foods or another high-quality probiotic to your lifestyle, you will lose weight, assimilate your nutrients better, have clearer skin, better sleep, and decrease your body’s inflammation. The Greek meaning of probiotic is ‘for life’. So, give yourself the gift of a healthy life and get cultured. Clean Out the Junk Food Eat simple and eat clean. Our digestive system cannot digest junk. When we eat junk, we end up feeling like junk. Simple, right? I find that people often think that they are eating "clean", but they are eating foods that are wreaking havoc on their body and causing inflammation. Food either gives us inflammation or fuel. I always vote for the fuel! What is the food on your plate really doing for you? My job and passion is to help people learn what foods are “right” for their unique body. Remember that what worked for you at one point in your life may not be working any more. Listen to the cues or signals your body is giving you. If you need support, contact me about how I can teach you to find out which foods work for your unique body! Every year and every season my own body changes and I need to update the foods that make me look and feel fabulous! Stay Hydrated Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. I like to add flavor to my water so I that I do not become bored. This not only boosts flavor, but also enhances digestion if you choose the right additions. My favorites are fresh lemon juice, fresh lime juice, cranberry concentrate, ginger slices, grapefruit, and fresh mint leaves. Exercise Put on your Tennis Shoes on (or yoga clothes), because exercise is vital for digestion. Get moving! When you move your body, you move your Qi (the vital energy in your body), and this is key for your digestion. Even if you can only manage 12-15 minutes per day, get your heart pumping, and your digestion will improve. Plus, you will release key endorphins that will make you feel happy and less hungry.
A glass of orange juice is sitting on a wooden table next to oranges.
28 Jun, 2022
If you want to get healthier this summer and detox your body, it starts with what you put into your body. While you do not need to do a juice cleanse just to be healthier, adding more fresh juice is a great idea. Here is more information on juicing during this time of year.
A cup of tea with a spoon and a slice of lemon on a saucer.
21 Jun, 2022
They’re nothing like a good cup of tea! Did you know it’s not only delicious, but it can also help heal your body and settle your mind? In the Summer, this means using herbs that are in season during this time of year and offer a pleasant refreshing taste. Here are some summer herbal teas to try out.
Two glasses of green smoothie with apples and spinach on a table.
04 Jun, 2022
When summer arrives, it's natural to want to reset your body and life. The birth of a new season makes you also want to turn over a new leaf, as it were. To jump-start a new and healthier lifestyle, begin with your morning routine. How you start your day off can make or break your day. It can lock in your energy, focus, and mindset throughout the rest of the day. Journal Every Morning Morning routines include what you do to get ready for work or prepare your family to head off to school and what you do before those responsibilities. If you wake up in a stressed panic each morning, overwhelmed by your to-do list and constantly running late, then the rest of your day will likely follow suit and be chaotic. Been there? Me too! Instead, let's try this new summer routine:  Start your day 20-30 minutes before you need to get up. Use this time for yourself to get up slowly and participate in activities like journaling that are just for you. Sit quietly and write in your journal. Express yourself and organize your thoughts for the day, whether in a gratitude journal, a planning journal, or a stream of consciousness journal. Try Stretching or Morning Exercise Another excellent practice for your morning routine is to do stretching or another relaxing physical activity. You naturally increase your energy and mood-boosting endorphins by getting moving in the morning. Morning exercise has a wide range of benefits as well, not the least of which are: You don't need to worry about it later by getting it out of the way. This is a stress reducer and a confidence booster all on its own! You boost your metabolism for the remainder of the day, setting yourself up for success! Get up a little earlier to have time for stretching, Pilates, or just a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Start Your Day with a Green Juice Getting more healthy nutrients into your body is another aspect of having a rejuvenating morning routine for the summer season. Fresh produce is now in season, so it is the perfect time for juicing, particularly with a green juice or green smoothie. What is a green smoothie? A blended breakfast drink that not only has fruits but veggies and greens like kale, spinach, and broccoli. You can also add herbs and spices for even more nutrient power. An excellent green smoothie provides you with a good chunk of your day's allotment of vitamins and minerals and a good supply of energy (negating your need for all those cups of coffee). Plus, when you get a healthy start to your day, you are much more likely to continue with it throughout the rest of the day. These simple and practical morning routines can make all the difference to your well-being this summertime season.
A woman wearing sunglasses and a headband is smiling.
01 Jun, 2022
Someone asked me the other day, “can you give me some tips on hair health”? I was like, “where do I begin”? Hair, just like everything else in our body, responds to our environment, stress, nutrition, and state of our general health.  For the sake of my blog, and humanity (ha!), I’m going to get a few “hair health facts” out of my head and onto paper. Hopefully, you find them helpful!
A woman wearing glasses is holding her head in pain.
02 Nov, 2021
Have you ever heard of adrenal fatigue? Obviously, one of the primary symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue is fatigue, but it can also cause:...
A woman is holding her stomach with her hands.
26 Oct, 2021
I’m psyched! We’re kicking off a month of gut health information (designed for all of you) with this newsletter. I’m confident that you...
A group of children with backpacks are walking down a sidewalk.
26 Oct, 2021
The new school year is quickly coming upon us! Whether kids will attend virtually or physically, there is plenty of wellbeing prep to be...
A woman is drinking water from a bottle with mint leaves.
13 Aug, 2021
At the outset of this article, I'm warning readers that you will no doubt have a strong urge to reach for a glass of water, so you may...
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